SOUL SEARCH has helped MILLIONS of people

And they can help you...




SOUL SEARCH has helped MILLIONS of people

And they can help you...




Thank you for participating in Illuminate: Your Journey Begins 2024

This was an amazing weekend for us to crack ourselves open and our true self to emerge. Congratulations for the steps you took.

If you would like to harness this power brewing inside of you, and set yourself firmly onto the course of achieving your northstar - then we invite you to join Dr. Eger and her core teachers for an inspiring, focused, supportive launch into the new year.

Continue your work with us at Ascend 2025, and you will be clearly on your way towards...

  • A life full of joy and purpose

  • Financial success in a profession you truly want to be in - Edie did it in her 50's!

  • Greater communication, respect, and passion with your spouse or partner

  • Increased connection with your children and more capabilities to repair past hurts

  • Patience and compassion for your parents as they age

  • A clear road map of what you need to do to achieve the life you desire

This is a six-week accelerator to radically change your life!

Start the new year right, by establishing the thoughts, beliefs, and actions that will have you shine, as Dr. Eger says, as the one-of-a-kind diamond you are.

With weekly live workshops, inspiring videos, and actionable practices, you will have the wisdom, tools, clarity, and community to shift the trajectory of your life to the one you desire and deserve.

This program begins Thursday, January 30th and runs for six straight weeks, with the last workshop on Thursday, March 6th.

Donna M

Nothing I have ever read or watched 'sunk in' as much as this course. I experienced the successive deaths of 3 loved ones, including a son. The grief and fear of losing someone else has stayed with me for 21 years. I carried 'mother guilt' for my son’s death and never thought I deserved forgiveness. My health suffered as a result of 'punishing' myself.

I'm tired of living with and in fear, and I now choose, finally, to forgive myself. I couldn't have done it without this course.
Thank you Dr. Eger.”

Judy S

" I have experienced a greater sense of well-being and connection to my purpose and self-worth since starting the course. The results were immediate and amplified throughout. In each module Edie and Jordan provide core universal human pearls of wisdom accompanied by a specific exercise to apply the learning and achieve healing. Many exercises include excellent guided visualizations followed by journal writing.

I will use the many tools provided in the course again and again as I endeavor to live my best life. I found Dr. Eger's books to be precious jewels and have cherished this opportunity to learn directly from her and deeply integrate her hard-earned wisdom into my life."

Ascend in 2025

A 6-Week Supercharged Coaching Experience With Dr. Eger & Special Guests

Set yourself up for a year of success with transformative practices and expert coaching. This is the year to finally stop revolving around old habits and start taking actions aligned with your purpose to accomplish your goals, and live your most fulfilling life.

Jonathan Van Ness

“The sense of purpose, joy, love, wonder and strength I gleaned from my time spent with @dr.editheger will never leave me.

Desmond Tutu

“Dr. Eger’s life reveals our capacity to transcend even the greatest of horrors and to use that suffering for the benefit of others. She has found true freedom and forgiveness and shows us how we can as well.”

Special Illuminate Early Bird Discount

Ascend in 2025 Live Workshops

Starts January 30, 2025

Regular Price: $495

$195 (60% OFF)

Discount Ends November 30th

The course is POWER PACKED with wisdom from hand-selected experts in mental health, and practices and guided visualizations to have you reclaim your true self.

What's Included in Dr. Eger's
Revolving to Evolving 

Ascend in 2025 Program

Using the Eger Method, and guided by Dr. Eger, our expert coaches give you the insight and support to create lasting and inspiring change in your life.

  • 6 live one-hour weekly workshops with Dr. Eger & experts in mental health

  • 6 weekly lessons packed with Dr. Eger's insight, videos from thought leaders, and targeted actions that you can take - as much or as little as you have the time and energy to do

  • Dr. Eger's course Forgiveness: A Gift I Give Myself and delve into her perspective and practices for healing your pst

  • Interactive, downloadable workbook for the course & each live workshop

  • Supportive online groups

  • Lifetime Access to course

"If you don't risk, you don't grow."
- Dr. Eger

Hello My Dear,

At 97 year old, let me tell you, there is no better time than right now to take a stand for your own life. I know, there are always reasons why now is not convenient, that you feel too old, too young, not good enough, not deserving, not capable... 

Well my dear, here’s the real truth. You are a one of a kind diamond who IS capable of deep and lasting change. And it comes down to one of my favorite American words – willing. Are you willing to take a risk? If not now, when? 

If you are ready, and you are willing, let this year be your year. It would be my joy to guide you to a content, peaceful, and powerful place. You have this one precious life before you, why let your past keep you from living it to its fullest?

Make this coming year yours. Why wait? Have today be the day you say enough is enough, I'm going to take care of me.

Today is the day that I will forgive myself for all that hasn’t happened in my life, to stop revolving around old habits and beliefs, and to truly and completely evolve into the ME that is there, inside, waiting to be set free! 

These six weeks we will be together focuses my approach for having you stop procrastinating or trying to be perfect, and then not acting. Along with some of my favorite coaches, we will help you my dear be on your journey to greatness. 

I look forward to seeing you in January to have you use the new year to become your true self.

With love,

Soul Search